Topic of the Month: Gratitude

Food For Thought Newsletter: 

November 8, 2022

Topic of the Month: Gratitude


Thanksgiving is coming!  Also, Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and the other fall/winter holidays are not far behind.  During this time, we often emphasize fellowship with family/loved ones.  We also focus on things like cooking, and prepping for large, seasonal, religious and/or community events.

All of these things are so wonderful in and of themselves.  Sadly, however, many people don’t have the ability to celebrate in the way many of us that live comfortably are able to.  And, even though those of us that are able to celebrate in the “normal” way often find ourselves stressed out trying to prep for the event side of holidays, instead of taking the time to enjoy ourselves and hold those we love closely.


Thanksgiving is a perfect example of a holiday that, on paper, is supposed to be a time of gratitude and family gathering.  This year, I would like to see everyone look back on the previous Thanksgivings that they have had over the years.  As you look back, ask yourself, “Did I feel any joy or gratitude?”  I certainly hope that you are all able to say, “yes.”  For those of you that are not able to say that, please focus on trying to change that this year.  

There is a reason why the word “thanks” is part of “Thanksgiving.”  I am not suggesting that it is easy for all of us to be thankful.  If anything, I acknowledge that the process of being thankful is just that… a process.
The way we are raised, especially in our nation and culture is that we must acquire the material to be successful, happy, and thankful.  If we are lacking in any way, by the world’s standards, it tends to make us bitter.  However, when we take that time, energy, and focus from what we don’t have… and use it instead to look at what we do have… I have a feeling that that would really make this time of thanksgiving very special for a lot of people.

In other words, we can create a chain reaction.  Those with much who embrace humility and gratitude instead of ego and material consumption become more centered and share more of what they have with others.  And it moves down.  From them to those less fortunate than them, and so on and so on.  Gratitude breeds giving and giving breeds blessings, and blessings breed joy.  It’s almost a chemical mixture of positive energy.  I am always glad to see non-profits who work during the holidays to remind us of this, especially around December.

And as we look at what we have… we then also look at who we have.  This is the most important consideration of all.  The thing we are most grateful for, deep down, is positive connections to the people around us.  When we see those who love us unconditionally, we see their constant support, affection, encouragement and it means the world to us.  We must remember to express that gratitude to those people for their love on a consistent basis in our daily communication for them.  All too often we take for granted the positive people in our lives, as we seek to please an indifferent world.  We then forget that it is only the positive relationships we have that matter.  

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!

Lynne Penn-Leon, LCSW-C