Rev. Mary Berg (Spiritual Director)

Rev. Mary Berg (Spiritual Director)

Embracing the postmaterialist paradigm, Pivot's is excited to have welcomed Rev. Mary Berg to our team. She has been a professional medical medium all her life. She was tasked to do Gods work and has gone through intensive professional training to only strengthen her gifts that she has been given. Trained as a professional hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Teacher and Minister, she honors all spiritual paths and has helped thousands of people in her career. She has also engaged at the governmental level and worked to assist the countries of China, Canada, Australia, England, Netherlands, France, Germany, Africa, and Sweden. She has worked undercover with Law Enforcement to missing children and missing cases as well as the underworld of the drug industry identifying locations to assist in capture of prior to distribution, saving many lives. She continues to do this work under Pivot's Potential, LLC. She has also been a remote viewer for law enforcement to find people, locations geographically nationwide and has been depended on throughout her career as a solid source of bona fide source of accurate information that they turn to when they are at a standstill in a case. As a Master Level Reiki Practitioner/Teacher, she provides remote healing to our Pivot's client who are moving through their trauma healing and co-morbid conditions to find relief of symptoms they may be experiencing. She works in conjunction with our clinical team and with the psychiatric teams of Pivot's. In addition, Mary is an active part of our Executive Team providing valuable insight and support to our overall mission. She will teach on a personal level to direct them towards abundance and prosperity. One of the most important people that Mary was able to heal and keep alive longer than expected was her own daughter. She was giving a 6-month life expectancy when given a colon cancer diagnosis and with the remote Reiki and Healing work Mary provided her daughter lived for 8 years. What an example of the gifts she has been gift from God to help the health of other people. In her life she was chosen for President Nixon's Lowly community volunteer. Service to America (VISTA) from 1970-1972. She was on a team of volunteers from all over the USA. She was on a team of volunteers from all over the USA where they got rid of commodities in exchange for food stamps and helped people apply for welfare. Her team started the Head Start program, teaching life skills that could set people up for success. She has always been in service to others. Because of her experience as lead educated for the Learning Light Foundation for over 16 years, she is now heading up Pivot's new venture of the Institute of Expansive Learning. Pivot's Potential is excited to have Mary as part of our team to be able to offer these leading-edge services not only for our individual clients, but for those that want to learn additional skills and about the energies that can be used for self-healing and the practice of holistic healing for others.

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